Thank you for visiting an interactive online platform that trains, teach, discusses, connects, and research information regarding individuals and organizations. “Mentalshift hub or Spirit&Mind Centre” is also referred to as “We”, “Us” in this document. Your use of this website and our services indicates your understanding and acceptance of the following terms:


1.      Information provided on the site is on “As Is” bases without warranties of any kind. Materials presented on is not an attempt to practice or give specific advice, including, without limitation, advice on topics concerning mental and physical health. The information and resources contained on this website is for the sole purpose of being informative and is not considered to be complete and does not cover all related topics. We hereby disclaim all warranties as well as guarantees, express or implied.

2.      These information and resources are not intended to assess, diagnose, or treat any medical and/or mental health or spiritual condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have read on

3.      The use of this website does not imply nor establish any type of therapist-client relationship.

4.      The information obtained from this site should not be considered a replacement for a thorough medical and/or mental health evaluation by an appropriately qualified professional(s).

5.      If this is a crisis call or you are in need of suicide prevention or consider yourself or others to be in danger of any kind, please call the approved local authorities or the suicide prevention hotlines in your state. will not be held responsible for any actions of its users or clients.

6.      The site is intended to provide users general information. We do not endorse or recommend any specific professional, tests, products, procedures, opinions, or any other information that may be mentioned on this site.

7.      This website includes links to other websites for informational and reference purposes only. We do not control such websites, and we do not endorse, approve, warrant or guarantee the products, services, or information described or offered at these other websites.  Examine the content carefully. The use of this website and any other websites to which a link is provided remains the responsibility of the user.

8.      You are solely responsible for the content of any posting you make to the site and any consequences arising from such posting or information you provide. We take no responsibility for any material posted by users (inclusive writers, bloggers, mental health professionals), inclusive of any other actions, in-actions, conduct, or omissions. We are a training and a service provider to help distribute and publish users’ materials. We do not take responsibility for screening or monitoring such materials.

9.      Opinions expressed by users, bloggers, writers, and mental health professionals are solely their own and not endorsed by us or represent our own opinion.

10.  We do not endorse any trainers, counsellor or professionals and do not take responsibility for the actions, in-actions, omissions, or misconduct of any counsellors, trainers, pastors or professionals obtained under this platform. Report such actions for investigations.

11. When you submit any form or register as a user on this website, you agree to the use of the data provided based on information provided on our privacy policy

Rules of Conduct

1.      We remain the sole interpreter of the site rules of conduct described in these terms of use. Any violation may lead to user’s suspension or termination of their access based on our discretion. We may at any time take any action we deem to be necessary against any user-generated content that violates.

2.      Every user is solely responsible for anything posted or uploaded on and its social media platforms.

3.      Any material posted on the site by users may not contain (i) URLs or links to websites other than; (ii) any copyrighted material or documents (iii) trade secrets of any sort (iv) materials that infringe on or misappropriates any other intellectual property rights (v) materials that violates the rights, confidentiality, anonymity of others (vi) any material with adult content or sexually explicit content, obscene, libelous, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, or hateful (vii) materials that impersonates another person, living or dead (viii) false, inaccurate or misleading information (ix) materials that poach other users (x) materials that makes other readers make payments for any reason.Payments are only accepted on our website or to account details from our websites.

4.      We are under no obligation to monitor materials posted on the site by users, but we may do a random check periodically. Any materials that we consider to violate any of these rules will be removed without prior notice of information. We have the right to suspend or terminate any user. If a user material is reported, we would investigate and take necessary actions based on our discretion if the material is found wanting. We are not obligated to make such investigations, and we will not be liable to any user for taking or not taking such actions.

5.      No user is allowed to respond to postings of other users in any manner or for any purpose other than that which is expected. We prohibit any response soliciting business.

6.      You may not delete or revise any material posted by another user.

7.      We prohibit any conduct by a user that restricts or inhibits any other user from using and enjoying the site.

8.      The site is intended for users that are 18 years of age and above. Users under 18 years of age should get the assistance of a parent or guardian to use this website. If you are below 18 years please do not submit data on the site.

Security Rules

1.      Users are responsible for configuring their own information technology, computer programs, and platforms in order to access the website. Users should use their own virus protection software, as we will not be responsible for any bugs, viruses, or breaches based on the use of the site.

2.      Users must not misuse the site by knowingly introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs, or any other material which is malicious or technologically harmful.

3.      Users must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the site, the server on which the site is hosted, computer, or database connected to our site.

4.      Users must not attack the site through a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

5.      Users must not attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of our website/system or network or to breach security or authentication measures.

6.      Users must not forge any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email or newsgroup posting

7.      By breaching this provision you commit a criminal offense

Online Teachings and Counselling

1.      Online teaching and counseling is not a substitute for treatment for suicidal thinking or severe psychiatric challenges. Due to some limitations associated with online services, your mental health professional may not be able to come up with a diagnosis without an initial face-to-face assessment session.

2.      Potential Risks of Online Psychotherapy: (i) messages not received (ii) confidentiality could be breached if confidential information, on the client’s part, is sent to the wrong address (iii) confidentiality could be breached in transit by hackers or internet service providers or at either end by others with access to your account. (iv) the World Wide Web is susceptible.

3.      Assessments and services provided are based on the information clients choose to share. Our mental health professionals will make sure they help clients with any challenges or concerns clients might have, but clients remain in the best position to determine how useful that information is.

4.      Mental health professionals will work with clients to help achieve goals yet and their professionals cannot make any outcome guarantees on all their services. 

5.    At any time, your mental health professional reserves the right to terminate service if misleading information is given by the client.

Confidentiality & Special Concerns recognizes that confidentiality is essential for effective therapy or counselling. We believe that for training, teaching or counselling to work best, you must feel safe about attending or sharing personal information about yourself with you’re the teacher or counsellor. When you share information about yourself with your therapist, he or she will respect the importance of that information. Counselling records are destroyed 8 years after your last contact with us in a way that protects your privacy. Under most circumstances, all information about you obtained in the therapy or counselling process (including your identity as a client) is confidential and will be related to other parties only with your expressed written consent and approval. However, it is because of the strength of our belief in the importance of you feeling safe about sharing information about yourself with your therapist that we want to inform you about the circumstances in which we may share information about you without your consent:

The above is considered to be only a summary. If you have questions about specific situations or any aspect of the confidentiality of records, please ask us by contacting our official lines.

Unplanned Encounters With Your Therapist

Incidental encounters are unplanned, unexpected, meetings and interactions between a client and a therapist outside therapy or counseling sessions. This can be unavoidable if you and your therapist stay within the same neighborhood or state. In order to protect your anonymity, confidentiality, and identity, a therapist may choose to ignore the encounter or simply offer a smile when there is an incidental encounter. If you’ll like to exchange pleasantries, your therapist would most likely oblige you, however, would not initiate the conversation. Your privacy is important during and outside therapy or counseling. This is an ethical practice, however, if you’ll like to have a different type of experience when there is an incidental encounter, bring it up during the sessions or counselling.

Not Showing up/ Late Cancellation Charge

We appreciate prompt arrival for appointments. Please notify us via email at for any late arrivals. Whenever you schedule an appointment, the scheduled time is reserved just for you. It is required that you provide at least a full 24 hours notice whenever you want to cancel an appointment. You are obligated to pay the full fees for sessions missed or canceled without the 24 hours notice.


When you request a refund for unused session, a 10% charge will be deducted for processing. Also, if you enjoyed a discount with multiple sessions and used only a few sessions, the discounts will no longer be applicable.


1.      You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless us, and our officers, employees, owners, agents, consultants, researchers, information providers, affiliates, and trainers against any and all costs, expense, claims, judgments settlements, and damages, including, without limitations, reasonable attorney’s fee, incurred in connection with any claim arising out of (a) users actions on the site (b) any breach by you or any user on your account of these terms of use of any representations, warranties, and covenants contained on these terms of use.  

Rights Reserved

1.      We grant you a limited, terminable, non-exclusive right to access and use the site only for your personal use, non commercial

2.      Except it is expressly stated in these terms of Use, we reserve all rights to all materials on the site, including, without limitation, written content, graphical and design elements (including the site’s look and feel), and service marks and trademarks.

3.      It is prohibited to copy, modify, or alter any materials contained on ourwebsite. Do not copy or publish in part or in full, any content of the site without an appropriate written permission.

4.      We reserve the right to change, modify, and remove these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice to you. You are advised to check this page regularly for any changes. 

5.    We reserve the rights to change, modify and remove any information, including but not limited to pricing, products, services, approaches, treatments, offers and more, on this site without prior notice to you. Your continued use of the site means you agree to and accept the changes.

If you have any concerns about these terms of use, kindly send us a message through our contact lines.